Cirrhosis, 123
11-ds-retinaldehyde, 908
13-«s-retinoic acid, 907
13-ds-retinoic acid (isotretinoin), 907
Citrate, 241
Citrate dehydrogenase, 336
Citrate synthase, 241
Citrate-phosphate-dextrose, 655
Citric acid cycle,
se e
Tricarboxylic acid
(TCA) cycle
Citrovorum factor, 617
Citrulline, 26, 332, 342
CK, 471,472
CK-2, 472
C282Y and H63D
CKMB serum marker, 126
Cl~ transport, 221
Class (isotype) switching, 826
Class I introns, 571
Class II introns, 571
Class I MHC, 808
Class II MHC, 808
Classical “cascade” or “waterfall” model
for coagulation, 841
Classical pathway, 808
Clathrin, 186,437
Cleavage of fructose 1,
.bisphosphate, 229
CLIA (chemiluminescence immunoassay),
124, 130
vs. EIA and ELISA, 130
Clofibrate, 449
Chloramphenicol, 585
Clot dissolution—fibrinolysis, 841
Clotting, 851
CN~ derivative, 672
CO production in mammals, 690
transport, 655
loss in alveolus,
transport from the tissues to the
blood, 7
Coagulation factor
deficiency, 863
measurements, 863
Coagulation factor deficiency, 863
Coagulation factor measurements, 863
Coated pit, 437
deficiency, 351
Cobalamin (vitamin B]2), 354, 918
Cobalophilins, 918
Cobalophilins (R-proteins; R-binders), 919
Cobalt, 892
Cobalt-containing compounds, 102
Cobamide coenzyme, 107
Cockayne’s syndrome, 559
Coconut oil, 218
Coding strand, 566
Codons, 267, 564
Coenzyme A (CoA, CoASH), 107
Coenzyme Q (CoQ, ubiquinone), 107
Coenzyme Q cytochrome c reductase,
Coenzymes, 85, 106
Cofactor proteins, 842
Cofactor, 85, 106
Colchicine, 483, 632
C o lch icu m au tu m n ale,
Colestipol, 449, 450
Colipase, 127, 202
Colipase deficiency, 217
Collagen, 23, 54, 173, 214, 331, 585
biosynthesis, 585
mechanisms, 586
polymerized fibrillar, 176
transcription and translation of, 586
synthesis of, 245
turnover, 179
turnover and tissue repair, 178
Collagen biosynthesis
disorders, 585
Collagen fibrils
formation, 589
Collagen molecules
ordered aggregation of
formation of collagen fibrils, 589
Collagen polypeptides, 586
Collagenase, 178, 179
Collagens, 154
Colligative properties of water, 3
Colloid, 769
coupling reaction, 771
Colloid goiter, 774
Colonic bacteria, 202
Colonic cancer, 149
Colony-forming unit erythroid, 656
Colorectal adenocaricnoma, 600
Colorectal cancer, 612
Colorectal, other carcinomas, 612
Columnar epithelial cells, 208
Columnar mucosal cells, 218
Committed step, 109
Common tests of hemostatic function, 865
Compartment disorders, 581
I-cell disease, 581
mucolipidosis, 581
Competitive inhibition, 92, 96
Complement, 808, 827
Complement receptor, 830
Complementary polydeoxynucleotide
strands, 525
Complex, 312
Complex I, 251
assembly of, 267
Complex II, 253
Complex III, 254
Complex IV, 255, 257
Components of the electron transport
chain, 251
Components of the hemostatic
system, 843
Components of the immune
system, 808
Compulsive disorders, 535
Concanavalin A, 194
Concentration gradient-dependent
facilitated transport, 225
Concept of AG, 71
Condensation of acetyl-CoA with
oxaloacetate to form citrate, 241
Cone cells, 909
Configuration, 51
Conformation, 51
Conformational hypothesis, 258
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 757, 758
Congenital atransferrinemia, 681
Congenital deficiency, 216
Congenital erythropoietic porphyria, 685,
687, 689
Congenital hypothyroidism, 778
Congenital methemoglobinemias,
6 6 8
Conjugation, 526, 547
Conn’s syndrome, 759
Conradi-Hunermann syndrome, 421
Conservation of energy, 257
Constitutive synthesis, 594
Contact inhibition of cell growth, 161
Contact phase, 855
Contact Phase of the
In Vitro,
Contact phase proteinases
inhibitors of, 859
Contact system (phase), 857
Contemporary model for the procoagulant
subsystem, 842
Contractile properties, 462
Contractile systems
muscle, 453
nonmuscle, 453
Contracting muscle, 233
Contrast, 465
Control of food intake
appetite hunger, 497
Control of glycogen phosphorylase, 288
Control of glycogen synthase, 290
Convergent evolution, 652
Conversion of fructose 1,
-bisphosphate to
-phosphate, 280
Conversion of oxaloacetate to
phosphoenolpyruvate, 280
Conversion of succinyl-CoA to
succinate, 243
Cooley’s anemia, 682
Coordinate regulation of iron uptake and
storage in non-erythroid cells, 679
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